LI KaiJian




Designation: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


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Academic and Professional Qualifications

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hong Kong, China
Ph.D., School of Construction Management and Real Estate, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
B.S., School of Civil Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China

Brief Biography

Dr. Li Kaijian is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Chongqing University. Business model innovation in construction industry is the main research interest pursued by Dr. Li. His research interest also covers zero carbon building, modelling of buildings’ energy use and carbon emissions, life cycle analysis, off-site production, prefabrication, and decision making of technological and business model innovation.

Teaching (Courses Taught)

Strategy Management for Construction Firms


· “Research on the Performance Improvement Mechanism and Path of Business Model Innovation for Incumbent Construction Firms in the Context of Multi-Dimensional Emerging Technologies, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 180,000, 2019-2021.
· “Business Model Innovation for Construction Firms in the Context of Multi-Dimensional Emerging Technologies, funded by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, RMB 80,000, 2018-2020.
· “Evaluation the life cycle carbon emissions of modular buildings in China”, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, RMB 3300,000, 2016-2020. 
· “Feasibility of delivering high-rise low / zero carbon buildings in Hong Kong”, funded by Construction Industry Council (CIC), HK$ 990,736, 2013-2015. 
· “An of lean construction standards and tools for improving productivity in Hong Kong construction industry”, funded by HKU CRCG, 2014-15. 
· “Strategies for prolonging the building lifespan”, funded by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2013. 
· “The roadmap and strategies for promoting building energy efficiency in China”, funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, China, 2014.

Selected Publications

· 1.  Li, K.J., Liu, G.W. (2018). Strategic Business Model Typologies Evident in the Chinese Real Estate Industry. International Journal of Strategic Management Accepted Manuscript. (SSCI) 
· 2. Pan, W., Li, K.J., Teng, Y. (2017) Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Prefabricated Buildings: Challenges and Solutions, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, Accepted Manuscript. DOI. 10.1680/jensu.17.00063 (SCI)
· 3. Li, K.J., Liu, G.W., Shresrha, A., Market, I. (2018) The Role of Local Private Participation in China's Transition to Domestically Developed Renewable Energy Technologies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 173:208-215(SCI) 
· 4. Liu, G.W., Li, K.J. (Corresponding Author), Zhao, D., Mao, C. (2017). Business Model Innovation and Its Drivers in the Chinese Construction Industry during the Shift to Modular Prefabrication, Journal of Management in Engineering, 3(33). DOI. 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000501 (SCI) 
· 5. Ji, Y. B., Li, K.J. (Corresponding Author), Shresrha, A., jing, J.X. (2018). Comparing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Precast In-situ and Conventional Construction Methods. Journal of Cleaner Production, 173:115-125. 
· 6. Pan, W., Li, K.J. (2016). Clusters and Exemplars of Buildings towards Zero Carbon. Building and Environment ,104: 92-21. (SCI) 
· 7. Pan, W., Li, K.J. (2015). A Cluster Analysis of ‘Zero Carbon Buildings’. Zero Carbon Building Journal,3: 3-15.  
· 8. Hong, J.K., Shen, Q.P., Mao, C., Li, K.J. (2016). Life-cycle Energy Analysis of Prefabricated Building Components: An Input-output based Hybrid Model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 2198-2207. (SCI) 
· 9. Wang, D., Liu, G. W., Li, K. J. (2017). Automatic Production Scheduling of Precast Concrete Building Component. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Under Review, (SCI)
· 10. Pan, W., Li, K.J., Teng, Y. (2017). Rethinking System Boundaries of the Life Cycle Carbon Emissions of Buildings. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Accepted Manuscript, (SCI)
· 11. Teng, Y., Li, K.J., Pan, W. (2017). Reducing Buildings’ Life Cycle Carbon Emissions through Prefabrication: Evidence from and Gaps in Empirical Studies. Building and Environment, Accepted Manuscript, (SCI)

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